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Held a share of the lead after the third round, his first career 54-hole lead/co-lead on TOUR, before recording a 1-under 71. Farmers Insurance Open: Fell to Luke List in a playoff at the Farmers Insurance Open, earning his second career runner-up on the PGA TOUR in his 40th start.Co-led the field in Par-4 Scoring Average (3.98). Masters Tournament: Finished T6 at the Masters Tournament, his second consecutive top-10 at the event.Zurich Classic of New Orleans: Finished T4 at the Zurich Classic of New Orleans with partner Davis Riley, recording his third consecutive top-10 on TOUR.Favorite sports teams are the Golden State Warriors, San Francisco Giants, Dallas Cowboys and Dallas Stars.Favorite memory off the course was being at Game 5 of the 2010 World Series and witnessing the San Francisco Giants winning the title.His mom was a track-and-field athlete at the University of Oregon.Favorite place to visit is his place of birth, San Francisco.2017 First-Team All-American, 2017 Walker Cup Team Member and 2017 ACC Player of the Year.2021-22 Lost to Justin Thomas, PGA Championship.2021-22 Lost to Luke List, Farmers Insurance Open.TPC Colorado Championship at Heron Lakes.

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